1. February 2020
ECARF-Allergy Seal for the new certification category vaccum cleaners

It’s impossible to keep allergens outside at all times. Pollen, mould spores and bacteria can make their way indoors despite preventive measures such as only airing out rooms early in the morning. Special vacuum cleaners can remove some allergens from floors, surfaces and the indoor air, resulting in significantly reduced symptoms in people with hay fever or allergic asthma.


The European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation (ECARF) certifies allergy-friendly vacuum cleaners that achieve a measurable reduction in the indoor allergen load and securely trap the vacuumed allergens.


The Seal is granted if compliance with criteria is it ist he case for Vaccum cleaner FC8240/09


Thousands of certificateshave already been awarded since the first Seal of approval in 2006.The Allergy Seal is awarded by the ECARF Foundation.