An allergy doesn’t just affect the person with the allergy. When a child suffers from an allergy, the entire family has to adapt to the disease. Christian, 41, from Berlin and father of a 9-year-old son with a severe peanut allergy, tells us how to successfully cope with an allergy from day to day as a family, and which challenges parents and children must face.
“All parents know how hard it is in any case to keep it all together”, says Christian, describing his situation. “We have to deal with the allergy on top of everything else. At some point it becomes normal. It’s just something you have to do and is there to stay.”
The European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation (ECARF) is publishing the five-article series in order to provide insights, promote understanding, encourage others, and reveal ways for coping in everyday life. The first part of the interview with Christian is about daily life at school. The other topics are ‘Grocery Shopping and Food’, ‘Birthdays’, ‘Family Vacations’ and ‘Peanut Allergy and Parental Stress’.
The articles will appear every two weeks on Wednesday (until 4 May) at and on our Facebook page.