15. June 2021
MASK-air – digitization for pollen allergy sufferers

An apps helps people with pollen allergy with their individual therapy.

Many people with a pollen allergy, commonly known as hay fever, are severely impaired in their quality of life as a result of the symptoms. The “MASK-air app was developed under the direction of our ECARF ambassador Prof. Jean Bousquet and helps allergy sufferers to collect all important information about their allergies. This means that the therapy can be carried out in a much more focused manner.



For this purpose, the user records the symptoms in the app for 7 days in a row. In addition, a questionnaire is answered on the symptoms, the current treatment and the effects on the quality of life of the user. The recorded information helps the treating doctor to better advice the patient and to find the right strategy for the treatment.



The app is available in the Google Playstore and App Store.

