MASK-air – digitization for pollen allergy sufferers
An apps helps people with pollen allergy with their individual therapy.
read moreAn apps helps people with pollen allergy with their individual therapy.
read moreWith a free app from the University of Eichstätt, anyone can report where and when plants with allergenic pollen are flowering. A risk map is then generated for people suffering from hay fever.
read moreThe pollen season starts earlier and lasts longer. Pollen loads increase even before local plants start to flower. This is because wind currents can carry lightweight pollen across hundreds of kilometres.
read moreResearchers in Munich, Germany were able to predict the severity of symptoms in allergy sufferers even before the start of the pollen season. They did this by taking a swab from the nose.
read moreCertain varieties of tomatoes contain less allergy-triggering proteins (allergens) than others. A team at the Technical University of Munich discovered which ones.
read moreNot long ago, doctors used to refer to hay fever as seasonal allergic rhinitis. The term is no longer used, since many people react to the pollen of more than one flowering plant species and suffer from symptoms not only
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