Karotte wird in Behälter schockgefroren
23. October 2020 in ECARF News

Cooked carrots can trigger allergies

Allergies to raw carrots are common. But cooked carrots can also trigger allergies, as researchers in Bayreuth have recently discovered. People who are allergic to carrots should therefore avoid carrots altogether.

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Nahaufnahme von Frau mit Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung
1. September 2020 in ECARF News

What to do when masks cause itching

‘Maskne’ – a combination of the words mask and acne – is one of the new buzzwords emerging from COVID-19 times. But acne is rarely the reason behind the itching and rashes that occur underneath masks.

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10. August 2020 in

The Human Microbiome

People and bacteria go hand in hand. Bacterial colonies protect the body against pathogens. Newborns receive their first bacteria from their mothers.  There are about as many microorganisms on and in the body as there are human cells, estimated at […]

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