6. August 2020
Who pays for emergency treatment in other EU countries?

How expensive is emergency treatment in other EU countries? National contact centres provide answers.

Holidays in other EU countries - questions about medical treatment are answered by national contact points.

The Germans’ desire to travel is increasing again. Although the German government decided in mid-June that the worldwide travel warning would continue to apply to all countries for the time being until 31 August 2020. But: The EU member states are excluded from this (including the Schengen-associated states and the United Kingdom). So nothing stands in the way of holidays in the EU at the moment.


But what if an unforeseen treatment or even an anaphylactic shock occurs while on holiday? Who pays for treatment in the emergency room? For EU citizens, the assumption of costs in other EU countries is actually clearly regulated. Costs are covered – the basis is the EU directive on patient mobility.
The catch is that the health insurance companies reimburse the costs according to the rules and rates of the country in which the tourists seek medical treatment. It is therefore possible that a personal contribution may be due. This depends entirely on the rules of the holiday country. And so that the whole thing does not become unnecessarily easy: The health insurance company where you are insured at home can also reimburse the full amount according to their own rules.


Those who wish to obtain more information in advance will find help at the national contact points. Each EU country has (at least) one national contact point to answer questions about medical treatment in other EU countries.

The website of the Robert Koch Institute shows which region is currently considered a risk area.




Bundesregierung. Fragen und Antworten zum Urlaub während Corona  
Last accessed on 04.08.2020 (In German)


EU-Patienten. Unplanned Treatment in another EU country
Last accessed on 04.08.2020


Europäische Union. Information points: planned medical treatment abroad
Last accessed on 04.08.2020


Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln. Warum so wenig genutzt? Nationale Hindernisse für eine grenzüberschreitende Patientenversorgung in der EU
Last accessed on 04.08.2020 (in German)