Whether you just discovered you have an allergy or have been living with it for months or years, we give you the support you need in your daily life in the section ‘Living in Good Health’. Our practical everyday tips, a monthly column, and delicious, low-allergen recipes will open up new perspectives and prove that life with allergies doesn’t have to be a maze full of dead ends. We show you what’s possible. Become a treasure hunter, a gourmet, a globetrotter or a connoisseur. Support your body with a healthy lifestyle adapted to your needs and stick to it, to the things that make your everyday life better!
Do you love cakes, but have an egg intolerance? Have a look through our articles. Our latest series of recipes is suitable for anyone who loves to eat and is looking for ways to prepare low-allergen meals. The practical everyday tips provide you with useful information backed by research that will help you with any questions you might have about your allergy.
Keep in mind that the best tips are not a substitute for your doctor’s care. It is particularly important to consult your allergy specialist if you have chronic or severe symptoms.