7. September 2023 in Allergy seal

Berlin office campus awarded the ECARF Allergy Seal

Sustainable, innovative, and allergy-friendly: With the SQUARE 1 office campus in Berlin-Adlershof, BAUWERT AG is setting new standards for future-oriented building concepts with sustainability factor. After extensive testing for allergy-friendliness of all outdoor areas and indoor spaces, the office campus […]

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15. August 2023 in ECARF News


Allergens are proteins which most commonly originate from pollen in the air. But also in dust mites, their excrements or even in animal hair. So far, eight different allergens have been found in cats. Of these, Fel d 1 (Felis […]

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9. August 2023 in ECARF News


According to a standardised market research survey, there were over 15 million cats in Germany in 2021. As the number of cats in German households continues to rise, so does sensitisation to them – in both children and adults . […]

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22. March 2023 in Column

How are pollen forecasts made?

In Germany, almost one in seven adults suffers from a medically diagnosed allergy, with pollen being one of the most common triggers. A simple but effective treatment for pollen allergies is to reduce or avoid allergen contact. The pollen forecast […]

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20. March 2023 in ECARF News

Facts, figures, and news about ALLERGIES

Allergies are constantly on the rise. In children and young adults, but also in the elderly. But when exactly do we consider something an allergic disease, what can we be allergic to and how do we recognise an allergy? Find […]

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7. October 2022 in ECARF News

The challenge of food labelling?

Not always easily legible: the small print on packaging. This can become a problem for people with food intolerances. Much has been achieved for them in recent years – after all, there are now 14 main allergens that must be […]

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2. March 2022 in ECARF News

Asthma expert Jean Bousquet in talks with ECARF

The leading international guideline methodologist Prof. Jean Bousquet visits the ECARF Foundation for talks. In addition to asthma research, his research interests focus on the digital transformation of health and care, the mechanisms of allergies and the multimorbidity of allergic […]

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Kind mit Jacke und Mütze steht auf einer Wiese auf der viel Laub liegt
8. November 2021 in ECARF News

Asthma in children: biomarker discovered

Immune cells in the blood of children with allergic asthma are composed differently to those in healthy children. Individual characteristics of the immune cells can be measured in the blood. Presumably, this will make it possible to assess allergic asthma […]

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10. January 2020 in Allergy seal

ECARF Seal for the new category encasings

Around twelve percent of adults suffering from allergies are allergic to mites. Mites are inevitably to be found in mattresses, bed linens and textile floors as they are living from human dander. Their occurrence has nothing to do with lack […]

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